Just wanted to talk about how making music always fascinates me, like the way when you make a bunch of chords connect together to show a feeling to a listener is just magical, even tho there's 12 notes in a scale, you could make any kind of feeling and make it sound different with each song you make. Synths or instruments will give you a sound, a bunch of noises really, but we as musicians can turn any kind of tone into something interesting and filled with emotion. When I combine different sounds together, stretch them, deform them, sample them, heavily process them until I get something new, never been heard before, I get goosebumps and I just smile, sitting there hearing what I just made. That, my friends, is the beauty of being able to create, whether you're an artist, a musician, an author, a developer, we all share the same love and appreciation for the ability to make things exist.
Coming into this site i just wanted to share my sound, to share a feeling for other people to experience and enjoy, and it's been so inspiring for me to make more and more unique experiences with each chord and melody I put together, and I'm glad I was able to share it to thousands of people on here. This is truly the heaven made for small producers, artists and game developers to thrive and witness people enjoying their creations, i truly thank everyone who worked hard to make Newgrounds just like how it is.
And here ends my lil rant about music n stuff hope it inspires you to keep on creating and never stop doing what you love!! <3
You should have been here earlier in the aughts man. It was wild and it was fun, but still glad someone with passion for his art of choice found the site. Best onya.
yeah back then there was more traffic and more people creating and experiencing things but it's never not too late for anyone to come over and publish their creations!! <3