obsessed with tensura and I make beats <3
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a quick rant about music

Posted by datboi7os - April 4th, 2024

Just wanted to talk about how making music always fascinates me, like the way when you make a bunch of chords connect together to show a feeling to a listener is just magical, even tho there's 12 notes in a scale, you could make any kind of feeling and make it sound different with each song you make. Synths or instruments will give you a sound, a bunch of noises really, but we as musicians can turn any kind of tone into something interesting and filled with emotion. When I combine different sounds together, stretch them, deform them, sample them, heavily process them until I get something new, never been heard before, I get goosebumps and I just smile, sitting there hearing what I just made. That, my friends, is the beauty of being able to create, whether you're an artist, a musician, an author, a developer, we all share the same love and appreciation for the ability to make things exist.

Coming into this site i just wanted to share my sound, to share a feeling for other people to experience and enjoy, and it's been so inspiring for me to make more and more unique experiences with each chord and melody I put together, and I'm glad I was able to share it to thousands of people on here. This is truly the heaven made for small producers, artists and game developers to thrive and witness people enjoying their creations, i truly thank everyone who worked hard to make Newgrounds just like how it is.

And here ends my lil rant about music n stuff hope it inspires you to keep on creating and never stop doing what you love!! <3



You should have been here earlier in the aughts man. It was wild and it was fun, but still glad someone with passion for his art of choice found the site. Best onya.

yeah back then there was more traffic and more people creating and experiencing things but it's never not too late for anyone to come over and publish their creations!! <3

Music is a wonderful creative outlet. Being able to convey emotions and thoughts without words and through cadences and beautiful melodies is wonderful. It also gives me the power to control and manipulate my listeners to make them feel emotions against their will!! My evil plan is truly masterful!

manipulating people's emotions through music that's some super villain stuff I love it ?? but yeah I'm really glad we're all sharing the same feeling! <3

honestly, as much as i emotionally connect with listening music, making it has never been an emotional outlet for me. I don't really see a way that I can express what im thinking or feeling through producing. its just not something that happens for me. my ART, however, is where all the emotions lie xDD. Although i am currently planning a future album where i try to do exactly that. so. well see how that goes :p

also yea, thats why i love this site so much. its different from other music posting sites because nobodys going through struggle and strife to get noticed and become famous.
theres no advertising or crappy "algorithm" or anything. its just people posting what theyre passionate about, and artistically expressing their style and aesthetic.

and btw thats another reason why Bitpop is my favourite genre. because 99% of the time theres no actual words. just pure sweet musical bliss which takes you on an adventure.
anyway thanks for listening to my counter-rant :p

whether it's art or music, having a way to express your feelings through creating things is always a blessing and I'm so glad we all have that!!

and yes Newgrounds did what nobody could, making musicians easily recognizable and for listeners to easily discover the wonderful talents of people around the world, such a beautiful thing to have!

thank you for this counter-rant I really LOVE hearing other people express their feelings towards what they make, it always inspires me and motivates me to keep on going!! <3

Dang this really sums it up perfectly!

You literally described this perfectly, I feel the exact same way. Just the thought of people being able to make something just from a thought or sound is literally incredible

it's a blessing that I'm very thankful for and I'm so glad everyone feels the same!! <3

@phenorax @datboi7os what do you mean its "never not too late" :P

its always too late noooooooooooooo

there's still alot of people on this site and they're always supportive, and to me even if one person listens to what I make it's enough for me to keep publishing more. so it's really never too late for anyone to showcase what they create.

@datboi7os @datboi7os yeah :P

i wish i could feel the same way as you, i rarely have looked at my music and have been amazed at what i created, usually i just do stuff when i get to it, which is why i have a broken upload schedule.. i think other people like my music more than i do honestly

I've been facing a similar problem for so long, i just made music for the sake of making music but i didn't enjoy that and I got less and less motivated to do it. I found that you should really connect with the music you make and ask yourself what kind of feeling are you portraying? and implement it in your way, find the sound that when it plays you feel like you've made something great, something you're proud of, i found mine, and I really really hope you find yours because your music is SO catchy and I loved it so much, please keep making more and I'm sure you'll eventually feel like I do!

inspiring words, much love

@datboi7os You got it right, man. It is never too late to start creating & putting your work out there.

And that's why newgrounds is such a great site for all of us artists, it gives everyone a chance to get their creations out there to be noticed, seen and heard.